Can I still join in if I've never surfed before?

Absolutely. We are a super beginner surfing group, it doesn't matter if it's your first time touching a board, your catching the waves on your belly or your a fully fledged white wash warrior. EVERYONE is welcome at Club Shakas...plus if you get too good you get kicked out. 

What do I need to bring to the community surfs?

Just bring your board, a wetty and some coffee money. It is super casual and fun. 

Can I bring a friend to the community surfs?

OMG everyone is welcome so bring the whole family. We also have a lot of people coming solo and making heaps of new friends. 

Can I get a refund if I don't feel like attending? 

Unfortunately, we don't do refunds but if you can find someone to take your spot and arrange an exchange with them then go for it.